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The Attraction Formula
A Christian Husband's Guide To Sexual, Mental And Emotional Intimacy
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Want More Sexual, Mental And Emotional Intimacy In Your Marriage?
If you feel like you're doing all the right things in your marriage...
But you're not getting the attention, appreciation, affection or physical intimacy that you want...
There's one reason:
Your wife is NOT ATTRACTED to you.
In my CONFIDENTIAL training, The Attraction Formula, you'll learn:
- The main mistakes high achieving Christian men make that REPEL their wives
- How to regain trust and intimacy... even after pornography or infidelity
- The #1 counterintuitive strategy you can start using TODAY to increase attraction... even if your wife is threatening separation or divorce
- All while living true to Christian values
My name is Mike Frazier, MD.
I'm a UCLA-trained Psychiatrist and Marriage Coach, and host of the Strong Men Strong Marriages podcast.
I at one point went over a YEAR with ZERO physical intimacy with my wife.
But, eventually I realized and changed my unattractive ways, and now I share that with other men.
Here's a picture of my wife and me on our 15th anniversary:

Here Are Some Of My Clients' Results

Enter Your Email For IMMEDIATE ACCESS To Your 100% FREE and 100% CONFIDENTIAL Email And Video Training...
The Attraction Formula
A Christian Husband's Guide To Sexual, Mental And Emotional Intimacy
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